TheNYS Board of Electionsautomatically will mail all registered voters’ postage-paid applications for an absentee ballot. for the upcoming June 23 elections. The NYS Board of Elections automatically mail all registered voters’ postage-paid applications for an absentee ballot. In-person polling will still be an option as of now.
Continue to check back for updated information.
I was happy to sign ontothis letterto the New York State Congressional delegation calling for aid to state and local governments that have borne the financial burden of confronting theCOVID-19 crisis.
Without this aid, the State will face massive cuts to services and employees who have worked tirelessly to keep New Yorkers safe during this pandemic.
I will continue to work with my colleagues on all levels of government to support our essential public employees and services, and the small businesses that drive our economy every day.
Earlier today Assemblymember Pat Fahy and I hosted a discussion on job searching and career transitioning in theCOVID-19 pandemic.
We heard from expert panelist Noah Simon, UAlbany Director of Career and Professional Development, Elizabeth Miller, Executive Director, Capital District Women’s Employment & Resource Center and Jason Benitez Vice President, Talent and Inclusion, Capital Region Chamber for Commerce.
There were also many helpful links shared during this webinar, you can findthose here.
Watch the fullwebinar here.
The CDC has released ageneral business FAQrelating toCOVID-19 in the workplace that many business owners may find helpful when creating their individual plan for re-opening.
Read more on the guidance the CDC has offered for on how to plan and respond toCoronavirus here.
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern NY will be hosting a virtual Town Hall on Monday, May 04, 2020 at 2:00 PM. Learn more aboutCOVID-19 Unemployment Benefits and how receiving those benefits may affect other public assistance programs.
Register hereand submit your questions here:townhall@lasnny.org
To understand the full economic impact ofCOVID-19, Rensselaer County has released a business impact survey and requests all businesses, nonprofits, and sole proprietors in Rensselaer County to respond. Complete the business impact survey at: https://forms.gle/pNjvaDx6UD2iben66
It’s not too late to respond to the 2020 Census while being safe and practicing social distancing at home. Once you have responded, please encourage your family, friends and loved ones to complete the Census, too.
Our community benefits the most when the Census counts everyone. The Census determines allocation of resources, representation and data collection to better understand the needs & wants of our diverse communities.
Now more than ever we need to make sure our community receives the resources we need. Learn more or complete your questionnaire at2020census.gov
Remember to support local restaurants and order delivery or take-out from your favorite local spot!
For a comprehensive list of businesses located in the 108th Assembly District who are currently still offering take out or delivery options see below:
City of Albany:
Also, continue to check out theRensselaer County Chamber Facebook Pageand theRensselaer County Tourism Facebook Pagefor daily updates!
Unemployment Insurance - The one-week waiting period for Unemployment Insurance claims for workers directly affected by COVID-19 has been eliminated. The Department has also announced that they are changing the unemployment insurance job search requirement that is currently in place. No work search activities will be required during the COVID-19 pandemic. For more information check out the DOL page here: https://labor.ny.gov/unemploymentassistance.shtm
Those in need can call 2-1-1 from any phone for a free, confidential referral to resources providing food, shelter, rent assistance, childcare options and other essential services. The helpline is also able to answer questions and provide referrals for COVID-19 related concerns. Simply dial 2-1-1 or visit 211neny.org
If you believe your business is an essential service but has not been included on ESD’s list, you can apply for ‘essential service status’ at this link: https://esd.ny.gov/sites/default/files/Request%20for%20Designation%20Form_0.pdf
Evictions and other nonessential housing court proceedings are suspended until further notice. For more information you can contact the NYS Courts System at question@nycourts.gov or 1-800-268-7869
OAG will halt the collection of medical and student debt owed to the State of New York and referred to the OAG for collection from March 17, 2020 through April 16, 2020. After this 30-day period, the OAG will reassess the needs of state residents for a possible extension.
Charter will be providing free Spectrum broadband and Wi-Fi access for 60 days to households with K-12 and/or college students who do not already have a Spectrum broadband subscription (where service is available), at any service level up to 100 Mbps, as well as opening up Charter WiFi Hotspots across our footprint for public use. For more information or to enroll in the program please contact 1-844-488-8395
The Capital District YMCA will provide childcare for emergency personnel who do not have the option to work from home, as defined by The New York State Education Department. For more information visit: https://cdymca.org/emergencychildcare/